Advanced Interactions and Robotics Lab.

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy

The main goal of the AIR lab is to use advanced and intelligent forms of interaction to assist and help users, especially users with disabilities.

The main areas of our research projects are in the fields of human computer interaction (HCI) and human-robot interaction (HRI) and other forms of advanced interaction, such as  Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), touchless interaction and multimodal interaction.

Educational robotics

Our lab supports educational robotics activities, as, for instance, Bambini e Bambine: un giorno all'università (Girls and boys: one day at university) events promoted by the City of Turin together with the University of Turin.
In 2024 one research fellow and one student fellow, sponsored by the Department of Computer Science, welcomed more than 50 school classes to our department for a lesson in educational robotics.
The two fellows and the NAO robot are from our lab!