fabiana vernero

Fabiana Vernero

Languages Italian, English, German
Position Associate professor
Office Turin
Practise Area Fabiana Vernero

Fabiana Vernero received the M.Sc. degree in “Communication in the Information Society” from the University of Turin, Italy, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Turin, Italy, in 2011. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy. Her research interests revolve around human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems and persuasive technologies.

She served in the program committee of many international conferences on human-computer interaction and intelligent systems, including IUI, UMAP, and RecSys. In 2012, she founded a startup in the mobile app industry, Sinbit, where she worked for several years as a Chief Experience Officer.